Join The Only Detailing Community Mastering The Secrets To Massive Wealth AND Unlock $10,214 Worth of FREE BONUSES

Including The Exact Tools, Templates, And Training You Need To Double Your Detailing Business...

What If You Could Build A Detailing Business That You Control? Instead Of One That CONTROLS You!

Read This If You're A Detailer That Struggles

You know, in our world, “detailer” is really just shorthand for “problem solver”. Every day we’re putting out fires, either for our customers or in our own business. You know what I mean, the amount of stress (not just physical but mental) this job puts on you is taxing. You can’t find good people? Problem. Your calendar is empty? Problem. You’re backed up? Problem. Your neighbor keeps asking when you’ll “get his car next”... I’m about to lose it.

And ALL your problems are made even worse by uncertainty. I’m sure you’ve laid up at night thinking “I need to pay the bills. Where is this money gonna come from?” Then acid reflux kicks in and you’ve lost another night of sleep. Worry turns into dizziness as you sip a cup of coffee hungover from the stress of the night before. All this before your day even starts. Then comes the physical fatigue. Then the underpaying customer who you still provide with excellent service. Finally at the end of the day you get a bill titled “Final Notice” just to ruin another night of sleep.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could remove this uncertainty? If you could banish worry to the past? If you could actually grow your business in a way that gave you the comfort, excitement, and stability you always wanted? I’m going to show you the way out. In fact, I’m going to connect you with a powerful network of detailers who are solving the same problems you’re struggling with. Then, just because you’re part of our network now, I’m going to give you $10,214 of FREE software tools (including powerful marketing and business management tools), world-class marketing templates to get more high-paying customers, and business training that will completely remove any uncertainty you face in your business. No more sleepless nights, no more petty arguments about money. You’re going to get ULTIMATE control over your business AND your life.

Coming Up: In the next section I’m going to give a quick breakdown of EVERYTHING you get when you join our community. Later on, I’ll give a detailed breakdown of each section.

Keep Reading To Learn How To Unlock…

A Powerful Network Of Detailers Focused On Growth Just Like You

We are a community of detailers focused on growing our businesses together. Get answers to your burning questions from experienced detailers who have been through exactly what you’re going through. Like, what do you say to a lead asking for a discount?

Connect with other detailers and hold each other accountable to your goals. Because our community is focused on growth, we hold weekly “Accountability Sprints” where we share our goals and push others to reach their own. We also connect other detailers with each other when they want some 1-on-1 help. It’s a fantastic way to get help from people on the same journey as you.

Inside the DYD community we share the latest products we’re using, the best detailing techniques we’ve learned, and the business strategies we’re having success with. This is one of the best ways to improve on any of the areas you think are lacking in your work. We encourage everyone to share their work, their wins, and their struggles. We give lots of feedback on jobs and even have a “photo of the week” section for one lucky detailer.

Our community is the perfect place to find business partners and build friendships for life. No one else really understands what it’s like to be a detailer except other detailers. Because we’re so proud of who we are, we offer an insane amount of free value to every member of our community. Keep reading and I’m going to show you everything you get as an added bonus inside our community.

World-Class Marketing, Management, And Growth Software That Let’s You…

The EXACT Marketing Templates You Need To Get More Customers Fast

75+ Instagram & Facebook Post Templates That Get Followers

45+ Email & SMS Messages You Can Send To Book Customers On Autopilot

10 “Link In Bio” Page Templates To Turn Followers Into High-Paying Customers

7 Downloadable Freebies You Can Give With Your Audience To Grow Your Email List



Masterclass Training To Grow Your Detailing Business Easily & Profitably

Detailing Quickstart Guide: Learn How To Start & Scale A Profitable Detailing Business To 5k/m For FREE!

In this course you’ll learn how to start your own detailing business even if you don’t have any experience or hundreds of dollars to start. You’ll learn how to get your first few customers, how to build your list of customers who pay you every single month. You’ll learn the secrets to dramatically shortcut success. No working with stingy customers. You set your own hours we’ll show you how to scale to 60k/yr. Get all the templates you need including the EXACT offers, the exact social media posts, the exact sales scripts to get your first customers. We’ll show you EVERYTHING you need to know to build your profitable detailing business fast. Normally $197, you’ll get this course INCLUDED FOR FREE inside our community.



Detailer’s Marketing Masterclass: The 3-Step Process To Building A 6-Figure Detailing Business & Beyond – VALUE $997

This course shows you the 3-step process detailers are already using to grow their business even if:

-You’re already booked solid
-Your profit margins are razor thin
-There’s tons of local competition

We’ll show you exactly what private equity groups use to grow detailing businesses after they acquire them. You get to unlock the secrets of Wall Street investors and Wharton alumni, BEFORE you sell your business. In my opinion, this is absolutely essential to understand for any detailer. It could be the difference between retiring with NOTHING or with a fat bank account that lets you travel the world. You’ll learn secrets that allow you to charge what you’re really worth for your work. Start working with high-paying customers, craft high-profit packages, & create a thriving business you’ll love to own.

Coming Up: In the next section you'll learn why it's so dangerous to try and grow your business without the right tools & network. Avoid the mistakes of failures and become successful.

The Nightmare Of Trying To Grow Your Detailing Business Yourself

“So much of my journey was just hugging the cross and praying” -Steve Calafato @ Resurrection Auto Detailing

I’m sure you know what it’s like to be overworked and underpaid. To fight for your business. It’s like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. You’re working like a madman. Maybe it’s because your family depends on you, maybe you became a detailer to escape the rat race, maybe you just couldn’t stand the thought of working for someone else. You became a detailer for these noble intentions, but life as a detailer is grueling.

The work is often the least of your worries. Working with your hands is rewarding. But becoming a detailer was hard enough, to become a detailing business owner is even more difficult and requires a completely different skillset. To become a great detailer you need hard skills. How to wax without scratching a car, how to correct paint, how to apply ceramic. But to become a profitable business owner you need to understand marketing, sales, and human psychology. The journey from detailer to detailing business owner is extraordinarily difficult and can often feel hopeless.

Compare That To The Feeling Of Brotherhood
With The Right Tools, Templates, & Training

“God sends us friends to be our firm support in the whirlpool of struggle. In the company of friends, we will find strength."
-St. Maximillian Kolbe

Now, after crafting hundreds of offers for detailers, after building dozens of websites, and spending years studying the principles of accelerated business growth I can say confidently there IS a better way. Building a detailing business requires a completely different skill set but the good news is that it’s both LEARNABLE and SIMPLE. It comes down to three simple things:

1. You use the right tools so that you have as much leverage over your time as possible.
When you do a paint correction you need an orbital polisher, some cutting pads, and the right compounds, right? When you’re washing an exterior you’d want a foam cannon and microfiber towels right? I mean doing this stuff without the right tools isn’t only time-wasting it might actually damage the car. So when you run a business you need the right business tools to save time & make sure you don’t damage your growth or reputation.

Not using the right business tools is exactly like not using the right cutting pad or compound… you’re gonna end up doing more harm than good. How much money has fallen through the cracks because you don’t have an easy way to re-engage old customers? How many leads have you lost because they reach out to you late at night and don’t respond the next day? And how much time have you wasted because you try to run your business WITHOUT the right tools and get overwhelmed? I hope I’m starting to scare you a little bit. I only want to do that so I can excite you by saying there IS a way out.

The right software and templates dramatically shortcut the time it takes to create marketing material, close sales, book appointments, follow-up with your customers, get more reviews, build websites, rank high on Google, and much much more.

2. You master the principles of the detailing business so you can grow to your full potential
As of today, it costs seven-hundred dollars to get your detailing skills certified by the  IDA. And while an IDA certification proves you’ve mastered the hard-skills, it doesn’t mean you’re at all likely to have much success running a business. In fact, I’ve spoken with IDA certified detailers without business skills EARNING LESS than 16- yr old kids who knew how to sell.

Learning the laws that govern business and money is as important as learning the laws of government. Break the laws of the country and you’ll face fines and jail time. Break the laws of business and you’ll never earn the money you want. You may even waste years in stagnation and frustration, a kind of “mental prison” you build for yourself. That’s why it’s important to educate yourself on marketing, sales, human psychology, pricing, offer crafting, referral building, and more.

3. You work with a network of high-performers who push you to succeed.

“George, Are you okay? You’re three cars behind! Let’s get it moving!” I barely heard those words ringing through my ear as I looked at the gauntlet of cars in front of me and backed-up in line behind me at the car wash. It was my first job and I was struggling. With sweat dripping down my beet-red face and the feeling of dehydration reaching down my throat, I picked up a towel and kept working. Work started before sunrise and ended after sunset. It was brutal, but it was also the most rewarding experience of my life.

You see, the owner was a real high-performer. He didn’t ask you to do anything he wouldn’t, but he could also do just about everything. He could work for an entire day without a single drop of water. He networked with everyone who came through and the majority of our business was repeat customers. I don’t know if I appreciated it at the time, but that first job instilled in me a love of cleaning cars AND of high-performance.

It feels easy to get to a certain point and settle. You might even compare yourself to a high-school buddy and say “well I’m beating him”. But your bar is too low and you’ve been tolerating a tiny fraction of what you could achieve for too long. I’m here to tell you to be more than you are right now. It’s your responsibility. To yourself and to the people that depend on you. I want you to surround yourself with people that won’t tolerate mediocrity. I want to give you the same experience I had at that car wash. I want you to join our network of high-performers who push each other passed our limits.

If you have the right tools, templates, & training COMBINED WITH a community of winners who want to grow with you, you can dramatically shortcut your success.

The work is often the least of your worries. Working with your hands is rewarding. But becoming a detailer was hard enough, to become a successful detailing business owner is far more difficult. It requires a completely different skillset. To become a great detailer you need hard skills. How to wax without scratching a car, how to correct paint, how to apply ceramic. But to become a profitable business owner you need to understand marketing, sales, and human psychology. The journey from detailer to detailing business owner is extraordinarily difficult and can often feel hopeless.

BUT! If you have the right tools, learn the principles of business, and join a network of other motivated detailers you can accomplish in a few months what takes most people their entire lives! More than that though, you can do it with the calm confidence that you’re moving in the right direction towards the life of your dreams.

Coming Up: You'll learn the most common pitfalls people fall into when trying to grow their business. You'll learn the smartest way to avoid these traps and grow your business.

How Do You Double Your Detailing Business In The Next Few Months?

The Worst Approach: Trying To Grow Your Business Alone

“I do all by self” -my sister at 3 years-old

Most detailers who say they want to be successful go in completely alone. They operate without any outside help. They face trial-and-error alone. They fail far more often than they succeed. If they do succeed... their success is random, unrepeatable, and short-lived. I call these the “DIY Detailers”. They never invest in building relationships with other people, they don’t invest in the software that would make their lives dramatically easier, they don’t get the training, read the books, or take the courses. They like to call themselves “hard workers” and but they aren’t action takers, they’re passive talkers.

Mediocre Approach: Get Stuck In The "Learning Cycle"

Smarter detailers know enough to know they don’t know. They’re always on the lookout on ways to improve their skills. Unfortunately, this usually stops at learning the “hard skills”. I call these detailers the “hard heads” because they probably know more about paint correcting than anybody, but a 16-yr old kid who understands sales will run circles around them.

I’m a huge fan of improving your skills, in fact I built my business around it. But you can get stuck in a “learning loop” where you feel like you’re improving but your bottom-line isn’t going up. To transition from a detailer to a detailing business owner, you have to invest in the tools & training to learn the business of business.

A Better Way: Taking The Time To Learn Soft Skills

This class of detailers does take the time to invest in soft skills like sales, marketing, and human psychology. But because it’s so difficult to find cohesive systems that combine EVERYTHING they need to grow their business, they’re forced to cobble together their own systems, synthesize what they learned into their own principles. This isn’t a bad approach, but it takes A LONG TIME. It may take 10 years to learn what you could do in 2-months with the right tools, training, templates and community behind you. If this is you, just know you’re on the right track but you can dramatically accelerate your success if you have a UNIFIED system for growing your business.

The Best Approach: How To Double Your Detailing Business Faster Than Anyone Else

The best of the best know they need to invest in the right tools to grow their business. They get the best training to dramatically shortcut their success in business. And they prioritize building a network of other detailers they can learn from and grow together with.

They combine their hard-earned skills and expertise with the soft skills they learned from training and community. By doing this they’re able to accomplish more in a few months than other people are in their entire lives. They’re able to build a BUSINESS that gives them the income they always desired. More than that, they’re able to build real freedom in their lives. They OWN their business, their business doesn’t OWN THEM. They have the right systems in place.

FINALLY: The Best Tools, Templates, Training & An Unbeatable Network Available For YOU Today!

Up until now it took a huge financial investment to be able to get the best tools, training, and network. You were FORCED to cobble together your own tools, pay thousands of dollars for the best training, and fight like hell to network. Usually this was reserved for private equity groups that BOUGHT detailing businesses for next to nothing when the owner couldn’t sustain it anymore. Until now. We said enough is enough. We do what these private equity groups do for businesses BEFORE you have to sell. You can build a business, not just a job.

They combine their hard-earned skills and expertise with the soft skills they learned from training and community. By doing this they’re able to accomplish more in a few months than other people are in their entire lives. They’re able to build a BUSINESS that gives them the income they always desired. More than that, they’re able to build real freedom in their lives. They OWN their business, their business doesn’t OWN THEM. They have the right systems in place.

Coming Up: You'll learn all about the insane offer that we put together. You get access to an amazing network of detailers PLUS over $20,000 worth of FREE software tools, templates, and training.


The Double Your Detailing Community

The Only Detailing Community Focused On Growth With The EXACT Tools, Templates, and Training You Need

Grow Your Detailing Business Fast

With Everything You Need - To Grow Your Detailing Business Fast. The right tools, templates, training and a powerful community

Connect With Other High-Performers

In Our Private Detailing Community - You Get access to the knowledge, experience, and techniques of great detailers

Get Access To World-Class Software​

10x your productivity - with our marketing, management, and growth tools you can grow your business on auto-pilot

Create Marketing Material In Minutes

With 150+ Marketing Templates - you can create profitable social media posts, websites, landing pages & more in just a few clicks

Learn The Secrets To Business Growth

In Our Ever-Expanding Library Of Courses - we give you private equity "insider secrets" to FastTrack your business success

Everything You’ll Unlock As A Member Of Our Community

A Powerful Network Of Detailers Solving The Same Problems You Struggle With

Get Your Burning Business Questions Answered By Experts

-Text bubble convo, “Customer asked for a discount, what do I do?”

Our community and experienced team of moderators are here to answer your burning questions. You’ll have the opportunity to learn from top minds in the detailing business and learn the answers to burning questions like:

“How much to charge for a horrifically messy interior?”
“What to do when first-time customers ask for steep discounts?”

“How to close a higher percentage of leads?

“How to grow your detailing business even when you’re booked solid?”

“When is the right time to make my first hire? How do I do it?”

Learn About Cutting Edge Products, Technology, & Strategy

The detailing world is constantly evolving. New products & technologies are being invented all the time. We created an alert system that automatically stays on top of the latest detailing news and gives it to you all in one place. We read every trade magazine, every publication, every blog to give you the latest about the detailing business. 

Join Our Monthly Community Gift Card Giveaways

Every month we run a $100 gift card giveaway to All members are automatically entered for a chance to win. Once inside the community you’ll find more ways to access free entries like sharing with your friends, signing up for our email list, participating more regularly, and many more.

Develop Your Detailing Skills In A Positive Environment

We love sharing recent wins, work, and lessons we’ve learned inside our community. Get fast feedback on recent jobs, ask for help, and hone your skills. Unlike public forums where anyone can comment, we vet our community members so that only positive, motivated, and professional detailers can join.

Network With Other Detailers & Build Connections For Life

A network of detailers means that when one of us learns something, we share it with everyone. Because of that we can grow our businesses 10x faster than the “DIY Detailer” intent on learning everything himself through trial and error. This advantage means we’re always on the cutting edge of detailing tech, business strategy, and marketing.

World-Class Marketing & Management Software To Acquire Customers Profitably & Scale Your Business

Build & Sell Recurring Subscription Packages For Consistent Monthly Cash Flow - VALUE: $47/m

Selling online is becoming more common than ever. Unfortunately only a small percent of detailers are equipped with the tools to easily put their services online. So we built an easy way for you to sell your packages online in any form you want. Sell tiers of your service, sell subscription packages, sell month-to-month plans, etc. These packages take less than a few minutes to build. As an added bonus you’ll learn what packages perform the best and how to upgrade your packages for free to get more sales in our “Marketing Masterclass”.

Send Digital Invoices & Collect More Kinds Of Payment At The Customer’s Door - VALUE: $27/m

Most customers don’t like paying cash anymore. That’s why we built a Point-Of-Service payment system for detailers to collect different types of payment at the door or in your garage. You can collect credit/debit cards, ACH bank transfers, even checks or cash. These payments are automatically stored in the software and can be exported to accounting software like Quickbooks at the click of a button. This makes tax season SO MUCH EASIER than if you collected the majority of your payments in cash.

Book Jobs Directly From Your Website - VALUE: $47/m

Building packages and collecting payment online should naturally mean you can schedule jobs on your website too! We build a calendar that lets customers schedule with you directly from your website. This beats the hell out of a quote form because every call there is a sales call. Here, every call is a confirmation call. It’s an easy way to get more business out of your website and make it more functional. When it’s more functional it also ranks higher on Google.

See & Respond To All Messaging From FB, Instagram, Text, Phone & Email In One Place - VALUE: $99/m

Our Omnichannel messaging saves you hours every single week, makes you way more organized, and gives you a better relationship with your customers. Now, if someone texts you and then sends you an email, you can respond to BOTH in one place. No more managing a thousand different inboxes, checking every social media, trying to stay on top of everything. Even better? This comes with a mobile app that pings you when someone reaches out to you, so you only ever have to check one inbox.

Send Automatic Review Requests After Each Job - VALUE: $19/m

I don’t have to convince you that if you got more reviews you’d have a better business. It’s one of the best ways to rank higher on Google, build relationships, and get more referrals. Unfortunately, the average detailer has just 30 reviews despite working with at least 300 customers per year. At the same time, over 90% of customers would be happy to leave you a review if prompted. This tool makes that one-click. You simply select your customer and click “send review request”. They’ll get a text message thanking them for the work and a link to leave a review on Google, FB, Yelp or wherever you’d like to leave reviews.

Build Your Email List To Turn One-Time Jobs Into Customers For Life - VALUE: $56/m

No growth software would be complete without a powerful email newsletter system. We make it super easy to send beautiful, sales-driven emails that land in the inbox. This tool integrates with everything else super easily. So if someone fills out a form on your website, you can send them an automatic email and text message. You can also send yourself a reminder to follow-up with that person.

But that’s not all. You can also add customers to lists and send regular email newsletters to your entire customer list or segment them by any criteria you’d like. On average detailers find that they earn an extra $3-5 per month for every name on their email list. So if you can build a list of 1,000 names you could be earning an extra $60,000 per year

Send Automated Texts To Customers - VALUE: $67/m

Text message campaigns are insanely powerful. Over 90% of text messages get read, which is 4x greater than email. Because of that we wanted to make it as easy as possible to send text messages to your customers. Plus you get our free text message database reactivation campaign templates when you join our community (valued at $3,497!) You can either use your phone number or get a company phone number for only $1.80 to unlock the full power of our phone system. Power dialing, automatic voicemails, call tracking, and more.

Schedule Unlimited Social Media Posts On Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, & More! - VALUE: $24/m

No marketing tool would be complete if it didn’t also make using your social media way easier. Now you can effortlessly schedule a week’s worth of social media posts online. Combine this with our social media templates and you’ll have customers flooding into your landing page from social media.

Build Sales-Driven Websites, Funnels, & Landing Pages In Minutes - VALUE: $197/m

99% of website builders are bloated, complex, and produce poor results. Moreover, NONE of them integrate easily with online schedulers, payment processors, automatic email marketing campaigns, CRM’s and all the other tools we’ve built for you. This website builder gives you the ability to create websites in hours, landing pages in minutes. It gives you ability to collect payment directly from your website, sell subscriptions, track sales, collect user info, and it integrates with every other one of our tools.

Customer Relationship Manager That Keeps Track Of All Your Customers & Works With All These Tools - VALUE: $127/m

The bread and butter of our software. Our powerful CRM combines EVERY SINGLE TOOL YOU JUST READ ABOUT into one central “hub”. Create a customer in seconds or upload a spreadsheet from your previous CRM to get started in seconds. From there you can call, text, email, or DM your customers in one click. You can send them invoices, put them into marketing campaigns, give them tags to follow-up with later, assign reminders to yourself about them, and take notes about your conversations. Never let a customer slip through the cracks again and take your relationship building to the next level.

The EXACT Marketing Templates You Need To Get More Customers Fast

75+ Instagram & Facebook Post Templates That Get Followers – VALUE: $247

Consistently creating content for social media is time consuming. And if you do it wrong, it’s not only time consuming but pointless. So we created a list of the highest performing Instagram & Facebook posts that you can use to grow your following on social media. This is by far the easiest way to keep your socials fresh & collect more leads on Facebook & Instagram. Combined with our Social Media Scheduler, you can easily create a week’s worth of content in less than an hour. Just download our template (which includes a caption), add in your own photos and that’s it!

45+ Email & SMS Messages You Can Send To Book Customers On Autopilot – VALUE: $159

Email & SMS marketing is the #1 way smart detailers retain customers for longer. But when you sit down at the computer to write a money-making email, it’s difficult. So we build you a vault of the highest-converting emails & text messages that you can use to keep customers coming back for longer. It includes educational emails to keep your business top-of-mind, sales emails to fill your pipeline, and SMS campaigns that run on auto-pilot to bring customers back month after month. Combined with our Email & SMS software you can build these campaigns in less than 5 minutes.

10 “Link In Bio” Page Templates To Turn Followers Into High-Paying Customers – VALUE: $447

Imagine a lead finds you on social media and is impressed with your content. They want to book a job with you, but when they click the link in your bio they’re greeted with your main website (that’s meant for complete strangers). They don’t want to see all that. What they want is an easy way to see your packages and schedule a job with you. That’s exactly what these landing page tempaltes do! Simply input your packages and put the link in your bio and that’s it! You can create high-converting landing pages in mere minutes.

7 Downloadable Freebies You Can Give With Your Audience To Grow Your Email List – VALUE: $147

We’ve created 7 free mini-guides that you can repackage and give to your customers & leads for free to grow your business. These are called “lead magnets”. They’re the most powerful tool you have in your marketing arsenal to turn a stranger into a hot lead. You give these away in exchange for an email address and get leads automatically entered into your sales pipeline. Combine this with our pipeline automation software and email marketing templates to effortlessly turn leads into paying customers. They fill out a form to join your newsletter, get sent educational & promotional material regularly, and can schedule to work with you when their ready  right from their email.


We’re constatnly adding new templates to our collection. Members of our community can request we create templates and get notified when one of their suggestions goes live. We already have the largest collection of high-converting marketing templates for detailers but we’re going to be adding so much more in the next few months!

Mobile Detailing Quickstart Class: Learn How To Start & Scale A Profitable Detailing Business To 5k/m For FREE.

Module 1: Basics Of Starting Your Own Detailing Business & Making Money Today

What You’ll Learn:

-The easiest, fastest, and most profitable package you can sell to start your own detailing business (Bonus: It costs you NOTHING)

-How to get your first customer & enough money to buy some equipment.

-What to buy with the profits from your first job

Module 2: Getting Your First 5 Customers & Building A List Of Repeat Business

What You’ll Learn:

-The exact sales scripts you need to close your first 5 customers

-The best tools & packages you should offer to grow your business

-How to grow your repeat business and get work consistently

Module 3: The Exact Packages To Sell & Marketing Material You Need To Attract High-End Customers

What You’ll Learn:

-The 5 Most Profitable Packages you should sell to grow your business from 5 to 500 customers.

-How to create a stunning social media presence that consistently generates customers

-How to build a referral network so you never have to worry about finding more business

Module 4: Expanding Your Business To $5k/m Easily & Profitably

What You’ll Learn:

-How to position yourself in the market to capture more high-end customers

-How to build a marketing machine that brings leads in on auto-pilot

-How to nurture leads with an inbound marketing strategy that generates new business automatically

Detailing Marketing Masterclass - The Simple 3-Step Process To Building A 6-Figure Detailing Business

Module 1: Understanding The “Law Of Doubling”

What You’ll Learn:

-What the Law of Doubling is and how you can use it to Double Your Detailing business

-Why some detailers remain broke while others make a fortune (and how a tiny fraction makes all the difference)

-How to create massive wealth in your detailing business without working yourself to death

Module 2: Breaking Out Of The Commodity Trap

What You’ll Learn:
-Why detailers who want to build a fortune CANNOT fall into the Commodity Trap
-How to crush your competition by ignoring them
-Why customers choose to work with one detailer and not another (hint: it’s never because he has the better polisher)

Module 3: Advanced Packaging Techniques That Generate Profit

What You’ll Learn:
-The fundamentals of pricing psychology for high-end customers
-How to create massive value at little-to-no cost so you can charge a fortune
-How a few simple changes in your packaging could dramatically increase your bottom-line profit

Module 4: Customer Reactivation Campaigns: How To Keep Customers For Life

What You’ll Learn:
-Why you should never let a lead slip through the cracks (and how to prevent it in one click)
-How 1 simple text message could add 5-figures to your bottom-line

Questions You May Have...

Is this for me? What If I Do Ceramic or PPF, Have A Garage, Am A Mobile Detailer, etc?

Yes! This community is designed to be inclusive, so it’s for detailers of all kinds. It doesn’t matter if you do Ceramic or PPF. It doesn’t matter if you have a garage or a van. The more experience and perspectives we have here the better. I’ve seen garage detailers learn more from mobile detailers than they have from other garage detailers. We have a wide variety of people from all backgrounds learning how to grow their detailing business.

What if I'm a complete beginner?

We'd love to help you start and grow your business! We welcome beginners who are driven to be the best. We’ll show you the ropes including how to get your first customers, what to charge for your work, how to grow a sustainable book of business, and so much more!

Will this work if my calendar is already booked?

Yes! Inside of our “Marketing Masterclass” we show you how it’s possible (and even advantageous) to grow your detailing business even if you’re already booked. In fact, having a full calendar is a sure sign that your business is about to EXPLODE and you need the right tools & training to handle that when it comes. If you’re already booked solid that means you’re on cusp of success, let us push you over the finish line.

What Are The Benefits To Joining A Community At All?

Since time began, having a strong network of dedicated men who fought for one purpose has always been the best way to grow. You might be able to go it alone. You might be able to manage the stress, the uncertainty, and the loneliness. But WHY WOULD YOU? Isn’t it much better to have A-team players in your corner helping you solve problems and growing together as a unit? Isn’t it much better to have a strong network? If you’re at all interested in mastering the detailing game, a community like this is absolutely essential.

This Is For You If...

Join Our Waitlist Today & Secure Your Free Bonuses The Day We Launch!

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